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The new RX Shaping not only avoids network congestion, but actively controls the speed of your downloads according to the cFosSpeed prioritization scheme. To achieve that, cFosSpeed now has
New major feature: Class Delay Management
cFosSpeed's RX Shaping reduces latency and avoids network congestion by controlling the TCP window size. With today's high-speed connections or with many simultaneous connections it may not be fine-grained enough to simply adjust the window size.
cFosSpeed's new technology, named "Class Delay Management", delays outgoing TCP ACKs if fine grained RX speed adjustment is necessary. This reduces the overall ping time during downloads and prevents network congestion if there are many downloads at the same time. In addition cFosSpeed will now more actively slow down other connections if high priority streams like video or audio are detected.
On-the-Fly Priorisierung
You can now change the priority of any of your connections just by clicking at it. If one connection consumes too much bandwidth, you can temporarily reduce its priority. Just click on the connection to open the new On-the-Fly prioritization dialog.
Lots of minor improvements, like Bittorrent uTP detection, faster and simplified dialogs and status window and lots of bug fixes.
See also our new video which demonstrates the new cFosSpeed features:
Você pode encontrar arte, screenshots e fotos de caixa que podem ser usados gratuitamente por jornalistas em
Sistemas operacionais suportados: Windows 7, Vista, XP e Server 2003/2008 (edições x86 e x64)
Site (em Ingês e Alemão, com seções individuais em até 26 outras linguagens):
Informações: cFos Software GmbH, Bonn (Alemanha) está desenvolvendo e ajustando drivers de comunicação para diferentes sistemas operacionais desde 1993. Os produtos incluem cFosSpeed, um driver de Traffic Shaping para Internet banda larga e o driver de discagem IPv6/software de roteador cFos IPv6 Link, assim como cFos e cFos Broadband Connect, driver de conexões DSL e ISDN de alta performance. Nota Legal: Nossas condições de licensiamento permitem explicitamente disponibilizar nossas mais recentes versões de testes do cFos, cFos Broadband Connect, cFos IPv6 Link e cFosSpeed em CDs gratuitos incluídos em revistas. Para mais questões de licensiamento, por favor, consulte o nosso arquivo LICENSE.TXT. Tanto o texto quanto a arte o nosso website podem ser usados para propósitos de imprensa e análise. | Contato: Martin Winkler, Email via Tel. +49-228-7669826 |